Spring 24 Newsletter

Beautiful spiring flowers

Spring is on its way

It seemed the longest of Winters although 'Spring is on its way, I heard them say!
The clocks have now turned forwards yet the weather seems backwards; a bit of a see-saw, temperatures are up and then down!

The sun is shining brightly, Oh! This will be a good day.
I can hurry outside, and do this and that.
Won't need the heavy coat, nor that hat.
Feeling quite jolly, no need for a brolly,
Make a dash for the door, I'm off and on my way!
Suddenly the sky's turning grey, Oi! What's the score?
Darkened clouds looming above, Uh! Oh! It's starting to drizzle,
Oh! no! It's here again, foggy mist then heavy fog, misty, foggy, drizzly and yet some more.
Wind is blowing stronger, it's gone cold
Can't see Herm or Jethou, Sark and Jersey's gone too!
Dodging between the downpours of heavy rain,
Knew I should've brought the umbrella!
Now heavy rain and a hailstorm landed on my head.
Can't take this much longer, going back indoors.
Well! the best of the day has gone, but it's okay, I'll wait for another one.
Won't be long before the temperature soars and the warm sun is back, (EH?)

A walk up Mill Street

The wettest of weather doesn't dampen the enthusiasm of the determined customer hunting for treasures to beautify and brighten their homes! The greatest bargains have been found and customers leave the shop much happier than when they entered!

Wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of the High Street and seeking a more gentle shopping experience in the quaint and quieter part of town?

Beginning at Number 1 Mill Street is a perfect place to pop in for a refreshment there's a great choice of coffees, teas and snacks available for takeaway. Meandering slowly up there is definitely a creative buzz in the air with several new art galleries/workshops full of peoples amazing artistic talents. Some find the incline of the hill is a little steep but on reaching the top and needing to pause, find the most perfect place to stop. Gazing at the interesting curiosities, set within the delightfully, intriguing window displays then decide to wander in. Some are simply spending time browsing and searching on the off-chance that they just might find THAT SELECTIVE LITTLE SOMETHING. Maybe the useful simplicity of an egg-cup, that one very happy customer recently found and it was a perfect match to what she was looking for! Others already know exactly what they are looking for and as every item is unique to the person that joyfully discovers the perfect match to their requirements and aesthetic taste, for adorning their homes, makes the shopping experience happy and worthwhile. It's essential, by necessity due to long distance travel with lack of storage space, that anything purchased is a 'perfect fit'! For many more it's the excitement and spontaneity, sparked by a pure mixture of curiosity, sentimentality and nostalgia leading to, often surprisingly finding the unexpected.

Each and Every item is totally unique, once it's bought and leaves the shop we don't see the same thing again!
For those wanting to spend at the higher end of the budget, i.e.on furniture, as a long- lasting investment, the returns in value over and above any actual cost are endless when purchasing something truly special and loved.

Seeing the happy customers leaving the shop with object d'art, decorative vintage mirrors, vases, books tucked under their arm wrapped and stored safely for the return journey by sea or air. Or often times some things as small as coins, jewellery, a cup and saucer or a miniature jug that can be slipped into a pocket or handbag!


Alternatively For those who prefer to use the website antiques.gg enjoy browsing at your convenience, you can always email us with any questions and to arrange a collection time for your selected item.

For anyone who finds  Art Deco appealing please have a look at the newest listing here. During the next couple of weeks we will be featuring more interesting ceramics from this iconic era.


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